
Kevin Yang

Engineering Student Passionate Learner

Profile Picture

I was an Electrical and Computer Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. I have a burning passion for technology. In my free time, I love competing in hackathons and going on adventures.


  • Fullname: Kevin Yang
  • Hometown Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  • Email:


I love learning new skills and keeping healthy. I am also deadly at beer pong.

  • Sports: Badminton Volleyball Basketball Ping Pong
  • Arts: 8 years of Piano 2 years of Breakdancing
  • Extra: Competing in Hackathons Travelling (Next is Europe)

Software Engineer - Infrastructure

Sept 2017 - Dec 2017
Mountainview, California


Coursera is an ed-tech company based in Mountainview, California.

I primarily developed ETL frameworks for our analysts, data scientists, and product engineers. In addition to this, I developed a web client using ReactJS for managing our data warehouse.

I also implemented the Redshift Spectrum Layer to use S3 as the main data lake, improving concurrency and reducing disk usage.

During the second half of my internship, I conducted an AWS security audit for configuration management; enforing disk encryption, least privilege security groups, and user credential best practices.

Software Engineer - Data

Sept 2016 - Dec 2016
Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea


Memebox is a makeup and beauty startup based in San Francisco with offices all around the world. They use data modelling technologies to uncover market trends and suggest custom products based on user traits.

Working at the Korean HQ, I integrated third party (SegmentIO) data collection libraries on client applications with minimal impact on performance and user experience.

I then proceeded to develop scalable data pipelines using AWS Kinesis Firehose, S3, EMR, Spark, and Redshift with error logging, monitoring, and alerting mechanisms. We also had third party data from SegmentIO in S3 which I helped ETL into our Redshift data warehouse.

Finally, I built an internal data visualization tool using Flask, uWSGI, nGinx, Redis, Redshift, MaterializeCSS, and D3JS.

Through my work, I was able to bring forward essential e-commerce metrics to the rest of the company, such as Click Through Rates, Conversion Rates, Churn Rates, Resurrection Rates, and Coupon Use Rates.

Software Engineer - Backend

May 2015 - Aug 2015
Jan 2016 - Apr 2016
Redwood City, California, USA


Athos is a wearable fitness company that produces workout clothing laced with EMG sensors. Their technology allows you to monitor the state of your muscles during a workout.

During my two internships at Athos, I developed scalable RESTful APIs in a microservice arthiceture for our mobile clients using Flask, nginx, uWSGI, and SQLAlchemy.

I built a robust data consumer RabbitMQ+Python which took client uploaded gzipped data and stored it to S3. I then helped run an ETL batch job with EMR+Spark to parse the data and store it in our data warehouse.

Additionally, I developed our website and built an internal CRM tool using Phalcon+Volt.

My other responsibilities included writing Ansible deployment scripts, configuring our Jenkins CI server, load balancing, and onboarding new hires. I also conducted an internal AWS usage audit which reduced our monthly bill by $10,000.

Web Developer

Sept 2014 - Dec 2014
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

AGF Management Ltd: Canada Company

At Canada Company, I was a frontend developer using HTML, CSS, and jQuery with the Velocity templating language in Cascade CMS

Our backend was an Apache Tomcat6 server with Spring MVC Framework

One of my biggest projects at Canada Company was called MetForce. It was an internal CRM tool developed using Microsoft Sharepoint that our team used to keep in touch with veterans and companies who hire these veterans.

I also managed a secure MySQL database containing military records used to identify and authenticate ex-military personnel

Web Analyst

Jan 2014 - Apr 2014
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Government of Canada: Agriculture & Agri-Foods Canada

In AAFC's IT team, I made sure that all online content published on the Government of Canada's website was accessible according to WCAG2.0 guidelines. I had to break down HTML code and ensure that it contained all of the properties necessary for On Screen Readers to pick up properly. This required me to correct code for other departments that were publishing content.

I also had to run colour spectrum analysis on media content to make sure that elements on screen were accessible for visually impaired users.

This job also required proficient bilingual (English/French) language skills since the Government of Canada mandates that all online content is published in both languages.



My favourite programming languages.

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  • 65%
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  • 75%
  • 85%
  • 60%


Some cool stuff I've worked with in the past.

  • 55%
  • 20%
  • 90%
  • 30%
  • 45%
  • 40%
  • 65%
  • 65%
  • 90%
  • 75%
  • 60%

Bachelor of Applied Science
Electrical Engineering with an Option in Computer Engineering

Sept 2013 - Apr 2018

University of Waterloo

94% Cumulative Average
Ranked #1 in class

International Baccalaureate

Sept 2009 - June 2013

Colonel By Secondary School

Graduated with 96% average
Certified French Bilingual
Took Advanced Math, Physics, Chem, & English